What’s Below?
- 14-January-2025 – BLM seeks input on proposed protections for Amargosa Valley & Ash Meadows
- 14-February-2025 – BLM seeks input for proposed Spring Valley Gold Mine
- 24-October-2024 – BLM issues ROD for proposed Rhyolite Ridge lithium mine in Nevada
- 19-September-2024 – BLM issues final analysis for proposed Rhyolite Ridge lithium mine in Nevada
- 9-September-2024 –DOD and DOE approve Record of Decision for Greenlink West Transmission Project
- 28-June-24 – BLM announces adjustments to mining location and maintenance fees
- 11-June-24 – BLM issues final environmental analysis for Greenlink West transmission line
- (Updated 28-May) 12-April-2024 –BLM takes next step on proposed Rhyolite Ridge Lithium-Boron Mine in Nevada
- 20-March-2024 – The 2021 Greater Sage-grouse Land Use Plan Amendments
- 14-March-2024 –BLM seeks comment for the Robertson Mine Project in Nevada
- 6-November-23 – BLM seeks public comment for proposed Esmeralda 7 Solar Projects in Nevada
- 26-October-2023 – BLM Approves Plan for Critical Mineral Mine in Nevada Project expected to supply 60% of U.S. demand for Vanadium
- 8-August-2023 – Direct link to payments timeline for Fallon Range Training Complex land withdrawals
14-January-25 – BLM seeks input on proposed protections for Amargosa Valley & Ash Meadows
LAS VEGAS – The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comment on a proposal to withdraw approximately 308,890 acres of public lands in Nye County in order to protect the region’s unique biological and hydrological resources, including at the Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, and help avoid impacts to nearby communities from mining activities. The proposal is in response to requests from local and Tribal governments and communities, environmental groups, recreational users, and the public. The BLM is also seeking input related to ongoing and projected mining activities within the study area for sepiolite, saponite, and bentonite to inform any potential adjustments in a final recommendation to the Secretary.
The BLM submitted an application to the Secretary of the Interior to consider withdrawal of these lands for up to 20 years. The proposed Secretarial protections would withdraw the lands from the operation of the mining laws, and from leasing under the mineral and geothermal leasing laws, subject to valid existing rights.
A Notice of Proposed Withdrawal will publish in tomorrow’s Federal Register to begin a 90-day comment period. Written comments may be submitted to the BLM Pahrump Field Manager, Bureau of Land Management, Pahrump Field Office, Attn: Amargosa Withdrawal, 4701 North Torrey Pines Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89130, or via e-mail at blm_nv_sndo_amargosa@blm.gov. The BLM will not consider comments via telephone calls. The comment period ends April 15, 2025.
Click here for a map of the proposed withdrawal area along with other key information prepared by NMEC member Richard Knox. It was last updated 24-February-2025
Click here for the full press release: https://www.blm.gov/announcement/blm-seeks-input-proposed-protections-amargosa-valley-ash-meadows
14-Feb-24 – BLM seeks input for proposed Spring Valley Gold Mine
WINNEMUCCA, Nev. – The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Spring Valley Gold Mine project in Pershing County, approximately 20 miles northeast of Lovelock and 70 miles southwest of Winnemucca.
If approved, Solidus Resources, LLC, would be authorized to construct, operate, and ultimately reclaim a gold mine during a period of 29 years, including 2 years of construction, 11 years of mining, 3 additional years of ore processing, and 13 years of closure and work to return the land to its original state.
The proposed project would encompass 10,205 public acres and 4,418 private aces with the total planned disturbance on 4,123 public acres and 2,109 private acres.
BLM will hold two in-person public meetings to discuss the project and collect written public comments. The meetings will be held in Lovelock at the Pershing County Community Center from 6:00-8:00 p.m. PST on March 12, 2025; and in the East Hall of the Winnemucca Convention Center at 6:00-8:00 p.m. PST on March 13, 2025.
A Notice of Availability will publish in Tuesday’s Federal Register to begin a 45-day comment period. The Draft Environmental Impact Statement and associated supplemental documents are available at the BLM’s National NEPA Register where comments may be submitted through the “Participate Now” option (preferred); comments may also be emailed to blm_nv_wdo_spring_valley_gold_mine@blm.gov, or delivered to BLM Humboldt River Field Office, Attn: Spring Valley Mine Project, 5100 East Winnemucca Blvd., Winnemucca, NV 89445. The comment period will close April 4, 2025.
For more information, please contact Project Manager Robert Sevon at 775-623-1500.
24-Oct-24 – Major lithium mine approved in Nevada in latest effort to support a domestic supply of critical minerals
RENO, Nev. – Today the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced the approval of the Rhyolite Ridge Lithium-Boron mining project. The project, when completed, could supply enough lithium to power nearly 370,000 electric vehicles annually. Located in southern Nevada’s Silver Peak Range, the project will include significant protections for the local ecosystem, while providing robust engineering, construction, science and technology employment opportunities for the local community and Tribal members through hundreds of good paying jobs.
The BLM’s Record of Decision for the project approves the preferred alternative outlined in the final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS), released in September. The FEIS assessed and identified significant protections – developed by the BLM in collaboration with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – for the endangered Tiehm’s buckwheat. The project proponent, Ioneer, modified its project proposal to limit impacts on the plant and its critical habitat.
In developing the FEIS for the proposal, the BLM worked closely with the State of Nevada, Tribal and local governments, and national and local stakeholders to identify and assess potential impacts of development.
As proposed, the mine will employ up to 500 workers during construction and about 350 workers during operations. The company expects to generate an estimated $125 million in wages annually during the life of the mine and is investing in the community through future job training programs and scholarship opportunities.
The Rhyolite Ridge project will also produce significant quantities of boron, used extensively in the glass and ceramics industries. Boron is also used as a component in abrasives, cleaning products, insecticides, insulation, for defense applications, and in the production of semiconductors.
Publication of a Record of Decision is the final step in the National Environmental Policy Act process, which requires federal agencies to determine if proposed actions will have significant environmental effects.
Click here for the full press release: https://www.blm.gov/press-release/major-lithium-mine-approved-nevada-latest-effort-support-domestic-supply-critical
Click here for Ioneer’s press release via Business Wire https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241023742388/en/Ioneer’s-Rhyolite-Ridge-Lithium-Boron-Project-Receives-Final-Permit-Approval-from-U.S.-Federal-Government-Construction-Planned-for-2025
19-September-2024 – BLM issues final analysis for proposed Rhyolite Ridge lithium mine in Nevada
TONOPAH, Nev. – Today, the Bureau of Land Management advanced the proposed Rhyolite Ridge Lithium-Boron Mine Project near Tonopah, Nevada, by releasing a final environmental impact statement for the critical mineral project. The proposed mine would be located in southern Nevada’s Silver Peak Range and could potentially produce enough lithium to supply nearly 370,000 electric vehicles each year.
If approved, the mine would employ up to 500 workers during construction and up to 350 workers during operations, generating an estimated $125 million in wages annually during the life of the mine.
The proposed project area encompasses the only known populations and critical habitat for Tiehm’s Buckwheat, a flower endemic to the site. The BLM’s final EIS for the project assesses and identifies significant protections for the plant, which the BLM developed in collaboration with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The BLM also worked with the project proponent, Ioneer, to modify the project proposal and minimize impacts to the plant and its critical habitat. Protections include redesigning and relocating features of the project, funding Tiehm’s buckwheat propagation work, and developing a formal Tiehm’s buckwheat protection plan.
Publication of a Notice of Availability in tomorrow’s Federal Register will open a 30-day public review period, ending on Oct. 21, 2024. The Bureau expects to issue a Record of Decision no earlier than 30 days after publication of the final environmental impact analysis.
Click here for the full press release: https://www.blm.gov/press-release/blm-issues-final-analysis-proposed-rhyolite-ridge-lithium-mine-nevada
9-September-2024 – DOD and DOE approve Record of Decision for Greenlink West Transmission Project
28-June-2024 – BLM announces adjustments to mining location and maintenance fees
WASHINGTON –The Bureau of Land Management today announced upcoming fee adjustments for the location (or “staking”) and maintenance of mining claims, mill sites, and tunnel sites. The location fee will increase from $40 to $49, and the maintenance fee will rise from $165 to $200. The final rule adjusting these required fees will publish in the Federal Register Monday, July 1.
Since Fiscal Year 1993, mining claimants staking new claims or sites have been required to pay a one-time location fee. Claimants must also pay an annual maintenance fee in lieu of performing annual assessment work and making annual filings.
Federal statute requires that the BLM adjust these fees every five years to reflect changes in the Consumer Price Index, or CPI. The last fee increase was in 2019; the latest adjustments are based on the change in the CPI from Dec. 31, 2018, through Dec. 31, 2023, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The adjusted annual maintenance fee is due on or before Sept. 1, 2024, for existing claims and sites. For lode claims, mill sites, and tunnel sites, the annual maintenance fee will be $200 per claim or site. For placer claims, the fee for each claim will be $200 for every 20 acres. For instance, if a placer claim contains 40 acres, the fee would be $400; if a placer claim contains 45 acres, the fee would be $600.
Mining claimants must begin paying the new location and initial maintenance fees for any mining claim or site located on or after Sept. 1, 2024. Those who have already paid their annual maintenance fee for the 2025 assessment year will be given an opportunity to pay the additional amount without penalty, upon notice from the BLM.
Media Contact, BLM Press blm_press@blm.gov
11-June-2024 – BLM issues final environmental analysis for Greenlink West transmission line
LAS VEGAS – BLM announces the completion of the final environmental analysis of the proposed Greenlink West Transmission Project, a series of transmission lines that would connect Reno and Las Vegas, helping deliver clean energy from the Nevada desert to the Western electric grid. If completed, the project, which crosses approximately 470 miles of BLM-managed public land, could transmit up to 4,000 megawatts of clean energy, enough to power at least 1.2 million homes.
The Greenlink West Transmission Project, proposed by NV Energy, includes the construction, operation and maintenance of a system of new electric transmission facilities crossing Clark, Esmeralda, Lyon, Mineral, Nye, Storey and Washoe counties. The project would also include expansions of four substations and construction of two new substations to help bring clean energy to the Western grid. Under the BLM’s preferred alternative, the line would run through regions of the state with potential for clean energy development and would connect Nevada clean energy to the California electric grid.
A Notice of Availability will publish in Friday’s Federal Register for the associated final environmental impact statement and resource management plan amendments, beginning a 30-day protest period that ends on July 15 and a 60-day Governor’s consistency review that ends on August 13. Input received during this time will inform a Record of Decision expected later this year.
Click here for the full press release: https://www.blm.gov/press-release/blm-issues-final-environmental-analysis-greenlink-west-transmission-line
Additional Comments by NMEC
Updated 28 & 21-May-2024 & 15-April-2024, see below
12-April-2024 – BLM takes next step on proposed Rhyolite Ridge Lithium-Boron Mine in Nevada –
Draft analysis incorporates protections for endangered Tiehm’s Buckwheat
TONOPAH, Nev. – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is seeking public comment on a draft environmental impact statement for the proposed Rhyolite Ridge Lithium-Boron Mine Project. If approved, the project, located in southern Nevada’s Silver Peak Range, could potentially produce enough lithium to supply nearly 370,000 electric vehicles each year.
- BLM conducted its review in close coordination with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to identify significant protections for the endangered Tiehm’s Buckwheat, a desert flower endemic to the area. The project proponent, Ioneer, modified its mining proposal at the request of the BLM and FWS to minimize impacts to the plant and its critical habitat. The protections include redesigning and relocating project features, funding Tiehm’s buckwheat propagation work, and developing a formal Tiehm’s buckwheat protection plan.
Click here for the full news release: https://www.blm.gov/press-release/blm-takes-next-step-proposed-rhyolite-ridge-lithium-boron-mine-nevada
Interested parties may review the draft environmental assessment and meeting information and submit comments online via the BLM National NEPA Register. Publication of the draft EIS for the proposed mine opens a 45-day public comment period, ending on June 3, 2024.
Update 28-May-24 – NMEC submits comments on the proposed Rhyolite Ridge projects’s Draft EIS Click here to view the comment letter.
Update 21-May-24 – The Rhyolite Ridge Project is located in Esmeralda County within the Silver Peak Range. The Project is projected to produce approximately 26,800 tons per year of lithium carbonate (quadrupling existing U.S. supply and enough lithium to power approximately 370,000 electric vehicles per year), in addition to 219,000 tons per year of boric acid which is used across hundreds of different commercial applications.
The Project is also projected to generate millions of dollars annually to local and state governments, while creating 500 construction jobs and 300-350 full-time operating jobs once in production – becoming a major economic driver for this region of Nevada for decades (the Project is being permitted for a 26-year mine life).
NMEC encourages their members and the public to send comments to the BLM. The BLM is currently accepting comments until June 3, 2024, and you can email your comments to the BLM at BLM_NV_BMDO_TFO_NONRENEWABLE@blm.gov . You can comment directly online at https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2012309/530 . On left side menu, click on the ‘How to Get Involved’ then click the green ‘Participate Now’ (this may take a couple tries). In the new window to the right click on the green ‘Participate Now’ button and add your comments.
Update 15-April-24– BLM published the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Click link: https://www.blm.gov/sites/default/files/docs/2024-04/Rhyolite%20Ridge%20DEIS%20-%2020240415_508.pdf
Update 15-April-24– BLM will be hosting three public meetings to discuss the Draft EIS. Click this link for details National NEPA Register.
- Monday, May 6, 2024, from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM PDT: Open house, in-person meeting at the Community Center in Dyer, Nevada. No registration necessary to attend.
- Tuesday, May 7, 2024, from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM PDT: Open house, in-person meeting at the Tonopah Convention Center in Tonopah, Nevada. No registration necessary to attend.
- Thursday, May 9, 2024, from 1:00 to 2:00 PM PDT: Virtual, online meeting conducted via the Zoom platform. Registration required to attend. Please click the following link or copy and paste the URL into your web browser to register for the meeting:https://blm.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_Wsv9k-jhS52b7U6kWRKmog.
20-March-2024 – The 2021 Greater Sage-grouse Land Use Plan Amendments
Project Description – The BLM is amending specific greater sage-grouse goals, objectives and management from previous planning efforts in 77 resource management plans across ten western states (California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming). These changes are to enhance greater sage-grouse conservation through management of sagebrush habitats on BLM-managed lands. This effort builds on the 2015 and 2019 greater sage-grouse planning efforts and is focused on changing those actions and decisions for which additional scientific information has emerged, or which will enhance conservation while allowing for continued multiple use on BLM-managed lands.
What’s New – Draft EIS Available for Public Review and Comment – The BLM made the Draft Resource Management Plan Amendments (RMPA) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Greater Sage-Grouse Rangewide Planning available for public review. The 90-day public comment period for this Draft RMPA/Draft EIS runs from March 15 through June 13, 2024.
Click the link below for further information and how to review or download the draft EIS. Starting on March 15, interested parties are encouraged to submit comments through the “Participate Now” function located at this same link https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2016719/510
Update: 22-Mar-24: To assist the public, the Nevada Division of Minerals has developed a map viewer where the Sage-Grouse alternatives can be easily reviewed with respect to other information layers. “CLICK HERE to visit the Sage-Grouse Alternative Viewer.
If you have any problems reach out to Lucia Patterson of the Nevada Division of Minerals for assistance with the web application at lmpatterson@minerals.nv.gov
14-March-2024 -BLM seeks comment for the Robertson Mine Project in Nevada
BATTLE MOUNTAIN, Nev. – The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comment on a proposal from Nevada Gold Mines, LLC to construct, operate, and eventually close and reclaim the proposed Robertson Mine Project on approximately 5,990 acres in Lander County. A Notice of Availability for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement will publish in tomorrow’s Federal Register and begin a 45-day public comment period.
The BLM is hosting two public meeting to discuss the project. An in-person meeting will be held at Crescent Valley Town Hall in Crescent Valley, Nev., at 6 p.m. PDT Apr. 2. A virtual meeting will be held at 2 p.m. PDT Apr. 1; please register at the BLM National NEPA Register to attend. No formal comments will be collected during the meetings.
All comments must be received by April 29 and should reference the Robertson Mine Project. Comments may be submitted through the “Participate Now” option at the BLM National NEPA Register. See link below for additional ways to leave comments.
Click here for the full press release: https://www.blm.gov/press-release/blm-seeks-comment-robertson-mine-project-nevada
8-August-2023 – Direct link to payments timeline for Fallon Range Training Complex land withdrawals
Below is a direct link to the timeline schedule for payments for the Fallon Range Training Complex Modernization the land withdrawal and taking of unpatented mining claims, private lands, etc. The bar chart shows it beginning in Q1 2025 to Q4 2027.
6-November-23 – BLM seeks public comment for proposed Esmeralda 7 Solar Projects in Nevada
Proposed renewable projects would add up to 5.3 GW of clean energy to the grid
Battle Mountain, Nev. – The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comment on a proposal to evaluate the impacts of the proposed Esmeralda 7 (E7) Solar Projects near Tonopah in central Nevada. If approved, the seven projects are expected to generate a total of up to 5.3 gigawatts of electricity, enough to power approximately 4 million households.
Approximately 118,631 acres of public lands have been withdrawn from mineral entry for a period of two years in Esmeralda County’s Big Smoky Valley near Tonopah while the projects are being considered.
“This effort is a high priority for BLM Nevada and will be a significant source of renewable energy in support of reaching the country’s clean energy goals,” said Battle Mountain District Manager Doug Furtado. “I am very proud of the work each of these companies have done working together with my staff to ensure a timely and efficient permitting process for the E7 Solar Projects and we look forward to hearing public comment on the proposal.”
The seven projects are:
- Esmeralda Energy Center Project, proposed by Boulevard Associates LLC
- Gold Dust Solar Project, proposed by Gold Dust Solar LLC
- Lone Mountain Solar Project, proposed by Lone Mountain Solar LLC
- Nivloc Energy Project, proposed by Nivloc Solar LLC
- Red Ridge 1 Project, proposed by 335ES 8me LLC
- Red Ridge 2 Project, proposed by 336SP 8me LLC
- Smoky Valley Solar Project, proposed by CG Western Renewables III LLC.
The proposal to amend the Tonopah Resource Management Plan and prepare an associated Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement will assess potential impacts to air, biological, hydrological, and visual resources, as well as cultural, Native American, socioeconomic, and environmental justice interests.
The publication of a Notice of Intent is expected to publish in the Federal Register next week to open a 30-day public comment period. (Click here for 13-Nov-23 Federal Register listing)
Click here for additional information from BLM on public comment, then click the green ‘Participate Now’ button on the left to leave a comment. Note: Public comment closed 15-December-2023.
For more information, please contact Supervisory Project Manager Scott Distel at (775) 635-4093 or sdistel@blm.gov.
Update: Click here for public scoping comments and figures that NMEC submitted to the BLM
26-October-2023 – BLM Approves Plan for Critical Mineral Mine in Nevada Project expected to supply 60% of U.S. demand for Vanadium
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Bureau of Land Management announced today approval of the Gibellini Vanadium Mine Project outside Eureka, Nevada, green-lighting a proposal to develop critical minerals on BLM-managed public lands. Vanadium is a U.S. Geological Survey-designated critical mineral used in steel manufacturing, aerospace applications, and battery technology.
The mine is expected to operate for approximately seven years and will employ about 120 people. The project is expected to produce nearly 10 million pounds of vanadium annually, which represents roughly 60% of U.S. demand.
Additionally, the mine itself will rely on clean energy to power its operations. The BLM-approved Plan of Operations includes the construction of a solar photovoltaic array and battery storage system that will power the mine entirely with clean energy. Haul trucks and other mine equipment will also be powered by electricity and will rely on clean energy generated by the solar array.
The Record of Decision and Plan of Operations approval is available for review at the project’s website on the BLM’s National NEPA Register at https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2000633/510.
Click here for the full press release: https://www.blm.gov/press-release/blm-approves-plan-critical-mineral-mine-nevada